Caroline Gagné, artiste


Sound installation with Christophe Havard
Shorelines explores the real and imagined space stretching between the Loire estuary and the Saint Lawrence River. On both sides of the Atlantic, Caroline Gagné and Christophe Havard developed a common vocabulary composed of field recordings, photos, videos, piano arrangements, audio frequencies, and impressions produced by moving objects. The artists thus created a harmonic spectrum reflecting the tides they have long contemplated along the shores of the two tributaries near which they live.
They began by drawing daily diagrams to represent the undulation of the tides in the two locations and by making observations based on this process. They then exchanged a wide range of personal perceptions of space and time, different forms of elsewhere, the phenomenon of time difference, the changing of the hours, days, and nights, questions of distance and proximity, the phases of the moon and its gravitational pull. Lastly, they surveyed and examined all the material to give shape to the present work.
The sounds recount an encounter that took place around a project without a specific plan. The words and images evoke the same encounter, but without spelling it out. As the days and fragments accumulated, Shorelines came into being, revealing a shared desire to narrow the distance and turn it into a graspable though immense expanse, an intimate and poetic space.

2019, Studion d'en haut, (Nantes France)


2019, Athénor scène nomade - CNCM (Saint-Nazaire, France)
2020, Souffle continu, Studio d'en Haut (Nantes, France)
2021, Le Lieu, centre en art actuel, Québec


Shorelines explores the real and imagined space stretching between the Loire estuary and the Saint Lawrence River. On both sides of the Atlantic, Caroline Gagné and Christophe Havard developed a common vocabulary composed of field recordings, photos, videos, piano arrangements, audio frequencies, and impressions produced by moving objects. The artists thus created a harmonic spectrum reflecting the tides they have long contemplated along the shores of the two tributaries near which they live.

They began by drawing daily diagrams to represent the undulation of the tides in the two locations and by making observations based on this process. They then exchanged a wide range of personal perceptions of space and time, different forms of elsewhere, the phenomenon of time difference, the changing of the hours, days, and nights, questions of distance and proximity, the phases of the moon and its gravitational pull. Lastly, they surveyed and examined all the material to give shape to the present work.

The sounds recount an encounter that took place around a project without a specific plan. The words and images evoke the same encounter, but without spelling it out. As the days and fragments accumulated, Shorelines came into being, revealing a shared desire to narrow the distance and turn it into a graspable though immense expanse, an intimate and poetic space.

Collaborators :
Rasim Biyikli : programmation informatique : 

Album audio numérique
Christophe Madeline : interprétation au piano
Thierry Gauthier - Audiosculpture - Studio de Castelnau : optimisation numérique 

Valérie Litalien : révision linguistique et aide à la rédaction
Oana Avasilichioaei : traduction anglaise du texte de présentation
Paquebot design : conception graphique

Documentation photographique : Marion Gotti et Patrick Altman
​Documentation vidéographique : Marion Gotti avec Caroline Gagné
Remerciements à l’équipage du remorqueur Ouragan




Extraits sonores

Chemin du moulin .. Les Escales .. Trot sur le sable